How do I return or exchange my product?
If you wish to return your product for a full refund or are looking to exchange for an alternative, please refer to the Return/Exchange/Refund Form and fill out all details accordingly. Please note, if you are looking to return or exchange an unwanted product that has no damaged/defects then you will be charged from £9.95 per box for a collection or swap fee.
Once the Return/Exchange/Refund Form has been filled out, one of our Customer Service Representatives will be in contact within 24 hours.
DISCLAIMER: Please note, when the product is returned as unwanted, it must be in perfect condition unless stated otherwise. If the product is wet, missing parts, not labelled correctly or there is no returns form included then we cannot guarantee that you will be refunded as we will not be able to locate the return. All damages must be made evident prior to returning. Any additional damages outside of what’s been discussed may result in further deductions.